【Ubisoft Mentor Guild-刺客信条社区精英】
Go in peace, my friend
Skellig - Loreena McKennitt

#B站上一个EA剪辑听到的 配哭wwww 完全就是EA双人向(T_T) “I joined the brotherhood”
#看网易云评论里 和法师组也配哭 康斯坦丁x爱德华

O light the candle, John,点燃蜡烛吧,约翰
The daylight has almost gone,白日将尽
The birds have sung their last,鸟儿已唱响暮歌
The bells call all to mass,弥撒的钟声已敲响
Sit here by my side,坐在我身旁
For the night is very long,因为黑夜很长
There's something I must tell,我必须告诉你一些事
Before I pass along,很久很久以前
I joined the brotherhood,我加入了兄弟会
My books were all to me,书本都交给了我
I scribed the words of God,我写下神的话语
And much of history,以及许多历史
Many a year was I,许多许多年
Perched out upon the sea,我栖息在海上
The waves would wash my tears,海浪冲刷我的泪水
The wind, my memory,风吹走我的记忆
I'd hear the ocean breathe,我听见大海的呼吸
Exhale upon the shore,呼出在海岸上
I knew the tempest's blood,我熟悉暴风雨的血
Its wrath I would endure,我会忍受他的愤怒
And so the years went by,如此年复一年
Within my rocky cell,在我麻木的细胞里
With only a mouse or bird,伴着老鼠或者鸟儿
My friend; I loved them well,我的朋友们,我真的很爱他
And so it came to pass,他来了
I'd come here to Romani,来了一位吉普赛人
And many a year it took,许多年过去
Till I arrived here with thee,直到我和你来到这里
On dusty roads I walked,我走在满是尘埃的道路上
And over mountains high,越过高山
Through rivers running deep,穿过急流
Beneath the endless sky,在无尽的天空下
Beneath these jasmine flowers,在茉莉花丛中
Amidst these cypress trees,在柏树的怀抱里
I give you now my books,如今我给你我的书
And all their mysteries,以及所有的秘密
Now take the hourglass,请拿起沙漏
And turn it on its head,将它打开
For when the sands are still,当沙子还在流动
'Tis then you'll find me dead,你会发现我已逝去
O light the candle, John,哦,点燃蜡烛吧
The daylight is almost gone,白夜将尽
The birds have sung their last,鸟儿唱着暮歌
The bells call all to mass,弥撒的钟声已响起



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